Ufff, it has been a while since I wrote here last time. I had a rough summer, but also I felt kind of stuck with Affective Facilitation. I enjoyed writing this blog a lot but just focussing on facilitation and education made me feel caged in. I struggled to sit down and write even, so I had a long list of topics scheduled. With every week I did not write it became worse. The guilt of not posting added to the pressure. I was about to give up on Affective Facilitation…

Last week, I sat down with my flatmate, and we had a conversation about where we wanted to develop professionally. I shared my thoughts about this blog with him. My biggest issue with posting here is that how it is set up now, I am only focussing on the facilitation niche. That feels not enough!

I am not just passioned about facilitation but also about arts and crafts, politics, languages, cooking, public speaking, activism, painting, self-care, mental health, chronic illness, communication, mathematics, and and and and…

Therefore, I decided to open up Affective Facilitation to other topics as well. I will still look at them from the holistic approach that is inherent in my approach to Affective Facilitation and how these topics can contribute to a person’s life and the greater global community.

Of course, the main focus of Affective Facilitation remains on my work as Trainer, Facilitator and Visual Practitioner. These practices were the reason why started this blog and which I aim to develop into a sustainable profession for myself. There are an endless amount of topics I still want to write and discuss with you about. So this topic will remain and most likely represent the main content.

The first topic I want to add is Arts and Crafts. Who follows me on social media, knows that I am an avid Bullet and Art Journal user and I want to bring that to this blog as well. I am thinking of sharing tutorials, plan with me’s, video and so on. Currently, I am toying with the idea of creating my own journals and maybe offering them for sale.

As a third topic, I want to offer my public speaking a home at Affective Facilitation. I recently joined Toastmasters International and would like to share my journey here. As public speaking is firmly connected to facilitation work, I think it will represent a strong enrichment of my content here. I plan on sharing both my speeches and what I learn along my way with you here.

And there is think pieces. This topic is a placeholder for all the other issues that are burning on my mind. Some of them will be more political, others about books, music or films and others about living with chronic pain and mental health issues. I want to keep that open for whatever comes up and catches my interest.

So how will I do this? I plan to dedicate certain days to one topic. For now, the writing regarding facilitation will stay on Wednesday as you are used to so far. For next week, I plan to introduce the Toastmaster Tuesday additionally. This is meant to be a biweekly series in which I speak about my public speaking journey.

So, what do you think? Do you like the new approach of Affective Facilitation? Are there topics you would like me to write about?

Love and Appreciation,





  1. What toast has to do with Public Speaking – Toastmasters Tuesday – Affective Facilitation - […] why I am sharing this with you here? As I mentioned in my last week’s post, I want to…

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